complete information of february birthstone



If you are born in the month of February, then you should definitely wear an amethyst close to your skin as it can bring you good fortunes. February is a month that is often associate with coldness and darkness in temperament An amethyst can serve as the perfect February birthstone.

This gemstone is relate with qualities such as stability, peace, and courage .It is the perfect source of strength and warmth for people who are born this month of the year. Amethyst is a bright purple color quartz stone .


The Amethyst stone gets its distinct purple color from iron impurities, the process of irradiation as well as the presence of various types of trace elements. Since it’s essentially generate from quartz, it can be available in any part of the earth.


However, the countries that are most known for the production of Amethyst include India, Sri Lanka, Australia, Africa, Brazil, Uruguay, and South America.

Some of the other notable locations for mining amethysts include Canada, the United States, and Zambia. Amethyst usually occurs in the cavities or geodes of granitic rocks. The color of amethyst stones is due to striking blend of red and violet hues which make these stones extremely beautiful.

The Amethyst stone has got a physical hardness of about 7 on the Mohs Scale which makes it quite robust and durable. It is this property that makes it ideal for the creation of jewelry products.


During ancient times, Greeks and Romans believed that the amethyst gemstones could serve as the perfect tool for warding off the intoxicating influence of Dionysus, the god of winemaking. The gemstone widely use as a protective element against drunkenness.

Therefore the stone was often carved into the drinking vessels because its prevent a drunken stupor and intoxication.

Amethyst have powers which can make a person quick-witted and clear-headed. In fact, the word “amethyst” comes from “methustos” which means intoxicated, where the prefix “a” denotes negative or “not intoxicated”.

Over thousands of years of history, amethyst associated with numerous legends, myths, religions, occult practices in multiple cultures.


The amethyst also associate with royalty in many cultures. The English royal families used amethysts to decorate their crown, royal scepter, and another regalia during the Middle Ages for symbolizing royalty.

Numerous types of amethyst jewelry were found to be in use during 2000 BC and even before that.

It has been mentioned in the Old Testament of Bible that amethyst was one among the 12 gemstones which effectively represented 12 tribes of Israel.

Certain historical accounts mention that Saint Valentine  have an amethyst ring that was adorned with an image of Cupid. The purity and brilliance of amethyst made it among the most precious of all gemstones.

Therefore, no wonder that they were widely popular by both royalties as well as clergymen to represent the mighty Christ. In fact, it once enjoyed the same status and importance as the diamond. At one point in time, only the wealthiest of people could have the Amethyst gemstone.

The celebrated Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci believed that amethyst had the power to enhance intelligence. Nowadays most people love amethyst because of its transcendental beauty and its ability to complement both cool and warm colors.


1. The Amethyst is relates with the zodiac of Pisces and Piscean can wear this stone for mental and physical benefits.

2.The stone can have a calming effect on the mind of the wearer and help in concentration and enhanced mental work.

3.Amethyst vibrates with the “The Crown Chakra” as well as the “Third-Eye Chakra”. The stone can convert all the negative energies into positive ones.

4. It is best for people who have professions like mathematics and science.

5.Amethyst can cure depression, headache, despair, grief, and insomnia as well as offer important healing energies.

6.It can also ensure good sleep for the wearer.Its protects a wearer from different types of psychic attacks.

7.It can be extremely helpful to people struggling with arthritis as well as pains in the shoulders and backbone.

8.The stone can bring inspiration from the higher spiritual planes .

9.Its also provide a person with the mental strength to bring such brilliant ideas into physical reality.

10.Amethyst gems can use for celebrating the sixth and the seventeenth year of marriage.


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