
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Brown Gemstone – Smoky Quartz

Gemstones come in a wide range and colors. If you are mesmerized by a stunning brown gemstone called the Smoky Quartz crystal, then this article is for you. Know more about this thing of beauty that brings positivity in the life of the wearer. Smoky Quartz Meaning A healing crystal , Smoky Quartz is a powerful stone that increases the energy of all the stones that surround it. The soothing vibrations that this stone emanates can wonderfully heal the body and the mind. The stone may be called smoky, but it releases all the smoke and doubts from the wearer’s aura. It makes one free from negative emotions be it ego, jealousy, anxiety, anger or fear. For ages now, this stone has been used as a detox stone with other healing stones to free the wearer from different types of negativities. Also called the Stone of Power, it protects the wearer from psychic attacks, stress, and proves helpful in elimination and detoxification of the body and the soul. Healing Properti